quarta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2012

This week the goodbye parties start.
I think if I should be sad. If I should be grateful that I'm here next semester. 
I think about the awesome moments, those ab-so-fucking-lu-te-ly crazy nights. Oh wait...one hand is enough to count them. Fuck. What am I doing here? 
What happened to the Erasmus? I mean, I wasn't ready to finish it, so I engaged on a second year of it, but now I came to realise... You can only do Erasmus once. 
You can only experience the novelty once, make new (real) friends from around the world once, you can only let yourself go completely...once. You can only surrender once, give the best of you, feel every single heart beat. It doesn't matter how much you study, how many classes you don't skip, your body will ALWAYS find energy for the weekend, for staying until the club closes, and dance to "New York New York" with your best friend and two completely drunk guys. Laughing until you're short of breath, trying hard to talk to them and explain that you cannot understand what they're saying because, yeah, you still don't speak danish. And then the lights turn on, and you come outside and enjoy the first snow that year :)
You can only drink vodka in the sauna once, and then go to the bar with your friends in their underwear, and get kicked out because the whole bar is looking at you all. 
You can only have one food fight in a hospital-theme party.
You can only fall in love once.
You can only make friends that in a few months know you better than your old friends, once. And make every weekend unforgettable. And not even considering staying at home, even though there are no big plans for that night. 

You have can only live like that once. No matter how many shots you have.
That's why it's different. That's why it's Erasmus.

domingo, 9 de dezembro de 2012


Pois, é pena, mas eu preciso de ir comprar comida.