domingo, 29 de janeiro de 2012

Danish niceness (epic conversation)

- Why are you in Denmark, where we treat foreigners bad? 

- You know I wouldn't be talking to you if I wasn't drunk, right?

- Here, to have sex you have to be drunk.

- You are here for 6 months, you should speak danish. 

- So how is it in Spain? 
- I told you 3 times, I'm from Portugal.

- Yeah, once I was working in Africa and people in the bus say "hi" to everybody, it's not like here. Here no-one says "hi". And in Spain?

- What do you study? (for the 34th time) 
- I told you already: Bioinformatics! Computer science applied to biology! 
- Hmmm...but that doesn't make much sense...

- Why are you in Denmark?
- Again?

segunda-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2012


Ponto da situação:
Exames terminaram na 6ª.
Dinamarquês - check.
Aulas começaram hoje.
Hoje de manhã não sequei o cabelo e fui de Maria El. para a uni. Temperatura máxima -1ºC. (sim, exacto)
4 capítulos para ler para amanhã.

Mas os friday bars estão de voltaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! XD

terça-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2012

Here and there and everywhere

I wanted to be the best. Seriously. I wanted to have those awesome grades and don't find a job, but a job find me. I wanted people to say that I was the right person, super skilled and so on.
But I also want to enjoy my life. When I die, and it can be tomorrow or in 70 years, I want to be able to say that I lived a good life. That I took chances, made mistakes and had a hell of a time. 
So, taking it all into account and considering that I am in erasmus now, I think that so far I'm not doing bad:)

quarta-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2012


Gostava de perceber como é que é suposto eu em 10-15 minutos explicar aquilo que os professores explicam em 5 horas.